Monday, October 27, 2008

My basketball dribbling record. And Halloween

For starters, my dribbling record is . . .134. This took me a very long time. Forget basketball. I love Halloween.
I am going to be a black cat for Halloween. I have a new sweatsuit, cat ears and a tail. And Mamma Mia bought me face paint (for whiskers).
We went to two trunk or treats and got lots of candy. Mommy insists on giving half of it away.
I'm done. I want Halloween to come.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I am a babysitter!

I am a babysitter because while my silly mom was reading a book, she left me to watch the boys (the little boys). We played playdough and I read them a book. The four year old wanted me to read it again.

Mommy's editorial note: I was taking a short break from the busyness of the day. I was sitting RIGHT THERE while they played. Is that so wrong?!!?

Today I had piano lessons. WE HAVE NOT DONE THE WHITE KEYS! I am mad. I like white keys. They are fun. Everybody plays white keys, except poor me!

I am very silly tonight, so prepare to laugh.

